Wednesday, December 29, 2010

To Linevegas we go...

On Sunday, we went back to Linevegas, in the snow, for Christmas festivities. It was a fun ride because there was ice on the road and it took us forever to get from our house to Lineville. Scruff was looking extremely cute this day, I think it was his hair, so I took his picture like 20 times. Here is a car ride with Scruff MaGruff.

First, after skidding around on the ice, I made Jay stop to take a picture in the mountains.

 Scruffu was still exhausted and was resting after our family picture.

Then, later he moved to the window.

Scruffy could not leave out his Dad,so he went to lay on his arm.

Up again.....

 Posing for the camera....
 Laying down again.....
 Whining to his Dad...he wanted Jay to play with him and so he whines until Jay touches him.
 Still mad at his Dad....

 Back to the place he loves the most..with his Momma!!!
 Checking out the snow again.... after this he laid back down and slept.
Thanks for taking a ride with Scruff. Hope you enjoyed it!!

1 comment:

  1. lol.....sounds like Molli. She always looks out the window and crys. She'd rather be running and playing I think.
