Monday, December 20, 2010

Two down, more to come

I love Christmas!! My favorite part is getting together with family I do not see as much I would like too. The weekend before last, we had Christmas with Aunt Morene. She just had her 99th birthday. We sang Happy Birthday to her. She loves her family and is so precious!

 We had a wonderful lunch and I had the wonderful pleasure of holding Reese Cup Robertson. Yes, I am the baby whisperer and got her to sleep. I was loving holding that sweet baby!!!

Jay was not sure about holding Reese Cup but he did. Look at the way he is holding her. He said this is the way to their heart. Apparently, some baby has told him they like to be free to move and look around. They do not like to be held down where they cannot see. Thank you Jay for your abundance of baby knowledge.
 I think Reese liked laying on Jay's belly and being free. Doesn't he look like a natural? How sweet.

Here are some family pics from that day!

This past Sunday, we got together at Mom and Dad's with Aunt Debbie, Uncle Ricky, Greg, Courtney, Adam, Elena, Reese, Mom, Dad and Josh.

We had a great time eating, complaining of the woes of teaching and watching some precious footage that is nothing short of TV gold. We watched home videos of Adam, Greg and I when we were 2 to 4 years old.We were some cute kiddos. Josh was not born so he was not in any of them. They were so funny. Not only were we cute but we saw some precious hairstyles and outfits, courtesy of the 80's, of our parents and relatives.Wowza is all I can say!!  It was fun and I hope we can get together again soon!!
Look at Scruff MaGruff, him is sitting with his GanDaddy. Yes, that is what Scruff calls him," GanDaddy."

1 comment:

  1. I just now went back and looked at this one... that Reese kids is c-u-t-e!
