Friday, August 2, 2013

6 weeks

Jaylie is 6 weeks old. Time is going by so fast. She changes everyday so much. I don't want to miss anything. 
Height: 24 inches Dr Cabellero said, " Oh Mommy she is looonnnng." She is measuring in height for a 4 month old.

Weight: 11 lbs and 8 oz.  This seems like a lot but she is right on track. 

Jaylie has started following us with her eyes. And she loves to smile. I am pretty sure it is the sweetest smile ever. 
Getting a bath. Not screaming- that is a first. 
Dad is the master wrapper- upper after a bath.

And whenever Jaylie is getting all the attention, Scruff is not far behind. 

Playing with cousin Malorie!!
Driving with my Dad!! I'm pretty sure she will be driving at an early age. Dad cannot wait:)
These little gowns used to swallow her whole. Now, they fit just right. 
Love this baby girl!!


  1. It's hard to believe she is already six weeks old!!! Love that baby girl!!!! Ganmama

  2. She is holding her head up good!!! I can not remember when Madilyn starting getting really good at that but it makes life easier when they do!
