Thursday, February 10, 2011

I said Yes...

4 years ago today Jay asked me to marry him. I know many of you have heard this story but it is worth retelling.
Jay and I had decided to go to the Cheesecake Factory for our early Valentine's dinner. We decided to stop by Cheaha on the way and go to Bald Rock to take pictures- my idea of fun. So Saturday, about 2:00 Jay came and picked me up at my house and we set off. We stopped by Moore's on the way because Jay said, " I have got to get something to eat. I have not eaten all day long." I thought that was strange but did not think anything else about it. He got a piece of pizza and we went on our way.
When we got to Cheaha, we walked to Bald Rock took some pictures and walked back to the truck. It was very cold-not unbearable.

 We got back in the truck and drove down to the Pulpit Rock trailhead. Jay suggested that I put a jacket on and then my puffer vest over that for extra warmth because it takes a little while to get to Pulpit Rock. Looking back, that was not the best advice Jay ever gave me because I looked like the Pillsbury Doughboy while he proposed- oh well.
We get to Pulpit Rock and the view is very pretty- better than Bald Rock any day. Jay walks behind me. He hugs me and says, " You know I love you." I said, " Yes." As I turn around, he gets on his knee and says, " Will you marry me?"
I would love to say that my initial reaction was yes followed by tears of happiness. Instead, I screamed, " Are you serious? I don't understand!! When did you get this? Are you serious? " In the mean time, I am backing up, closer and closer to the edge. My legs were shaking uncontrollably- I promise they were moving on their own. Finally, Jay, still on bended knee shouts, " Ollie, you are going to fall off of this mountian. Will you marry me?" I screamed, " Yes!!!" He put that beautiful ring on my finger and I kissed my fiance for the very first time.
I was so excited and wanted to tell everyone right then. Instead of going to the Cheesecake factory, we headed back to my house to tell Mom and Dad. I spent the next 2 hours on the phone calling people and then we went to his parents house. I talked to all my friends that day.
We ate our engagement dinner at Applebees- the Cheesecake factory would not see us for another year.

I am thankful for so much in my life but especially Jay. Thank you Jay for loving me and knowing how to love me. I love coming home to him everyday and even though he drives me crazy sometimes; life would be so boring without this man. If I had it to do again, I would not change one single thing!!!


  1. haha-the Pillsbury Dough boy:) And the walk to Pulpit Rock is not for the faint of heart:)

  2. So glad that two of the greatest people got married and remain some of my best friends. Love you!!!

  3. Happy 4 year Engagement Anniversary to a great couple and some wonderful children!!! Love you!!

  4. Hey Ollie! I was wondering who said yes...this is so sweet! :)

  5. Thank you all for your sweet comments!!
