Monday, March 16, 2015

Pock- cot

Jaylie is in such a fun stage right now. She says anything now and is fun to play with.
She calls a pocket a " pockcot". It is so funny- especially during church when the preacher is preaching the word and Jaylie is turned around counting all the " pockcots" out loud in the room. 

She calls herself Jaysee Beca Ham. I love her pronunciation of her name and I am with her on shortening our last name. 

She has always eaten really well until the last few months. She rarely eats much at home now. I think she is eating all she can at daycare. She loves goldfish at daycare but has a meltdown if I mention them at home. She loves her Uncle Steve's hotdogs and corn. She asks for corn for breakfast.

You know how I said she can say anything? Yeah, sometimes that is not great. Not that I say anything bad- I really don't. But apparently I do say, " Oh God.." Because Jaylie dropped something and looked around and said that. I felt really bad and got a lecture from Ganmama. Trust me- I don't like saying that but I honestly don't remember. But Jaylie remembered and now she knows that we don't say it. Nothing like kids to keep you accountable.

Another thing I love about Jaylie is how she loves to pray. She wants to pray multiple times at the dinner table and at night. She folds her little hands and says, "Mommy, pay!" It literally makes me tear up thinking about how sweet she is and how she knows that we pray to God and love him. She loves to sing church songs- like he gots the " whole wrrrlld in his hannndds" in Jaylie talk. Most Sundays she is great in church and stays out in there the whole time. If I take her out, I bring her back because I want her to learn to sit in church. She does well and keeps everyone quietly entertained.

It's funny how kids decide what they are going to call their people. Jaylie calls my Daddy, Gaddy, which I love. She calls Mother, Moma. It is close to Ganmama and she calls me Mommy and her Moma. There is a difference when she calls us. She calls David, Poppy and Christy, MiMi. 
One of the funniest names she talks about is my Uncle Edward and Aunt Annie. One day after church, we were at partners eating and Jaylie looked at Aunt Annie and said, " Where's Ed?" Hilarious that she calls him Ed. But it is cute!

She really isn't a baby anymore and I miss that. I love how funny and independent she is but I miss that sweet baby.